Knack Professional Services

Fine Mountain Consulting provides an abundance of professional services catered to improving your Knack application. Whether that be blueprinting the data structure, creating prototypes to demonstrate workflows or developing the entire project from the ground up. Our team of Knack developers have the knowledge and insights to take your application up a notch.

Knack Application Development


If you want to build the application yourself using the Knack platform, we recommend that we work with you to make a plan to set up the Knack application in a way that allows it to scale with your business. At the completion of the blueprint we provide a workflow diagram and an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) that gives you a visual representation of how the objects or tables and data should be structured in order to satisfy the workflow. We start all of our business consulting engagements with a blueprint process to ensure that we deliver a Knack application to suit your needs now and for the future.

Image of person planning a blueprint for their Knack database application
Photo of a notebook with someones plan for their Knack application prototype


We can put together a Knack application as a prototype for you that would allow you to demonstrate a workflow or process and gain buy-in from your organization for a new project.

Business Consulting

Fine Mountain Consulting offers a wide range of engagements
from individual projects to multiple offerings of support
Development Projects:

We work with you to identify the Knack application requirements through the blueprint process and provide workflow diagrams along with an application data structure to ensure that we move in the correct direction.

Once agreement is reached on what we are building, we go through the process of developing the structure and workflows that are detailed in the requirements. We deliver small chunks of work throughout the project to get user feedback to make sure the experience matches the requirements. After two rounds of feedback and fixes, then the tested chunk(s) of work can be released to users iteratively. This helps to minimize change anxiety in the users.

Photo of someone working on a laptop
Person looking at code written for advanced programming features of Knack application

Advanced Programming

Custom Code and Scripting:

Should your workflow have a need that the platform cannot support, we can provide custom code or scripting that would satisfy that need.

Most FMC plugins require some custom code to connect the main function with your Knack application. These costs are covered in the initial fee. We evaluate each application separately and provide the overall cost to you to set up one of our Plugins.

Platform integrations:

Most platforms have an application program interface (API) that can be used to connect one platform to another. We are able to integrate these platforms with Knack seamlessly. Below are just a few of the successful Knack integrations we have completed:




QuckBooks Online

Bootcamp 4 Knack

Bootcamp 4 Knack is a series of courses designed to give you all the tools and knowledge you’ll need to develop your own Knack application.

Learn how to build a Knack app from scratch! We also offer courses for custom feature additions, database design, and advanced customizations and integrations.

Access your courses from anywhere, at any time! Once you register for your class, you’ll be able to learn on your own time, when it works best for you.

We want to give you the tools and resources necessary to build your own effective Knack

Find Out More Info and Sign Up Here
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Our goal is and always has been to create lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with other businesses.
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Our goal is and always has been to create lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with other businesses.
Erie, Colorado
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